Letterform Composition Posters
For this design I was trying to achieve a retro-futuristic look, which led me to choosing 
the bold yet smooth letterforms of Bauhaus 93, the chosen aesthetic getting further emphasized 
in the colorized versions. Though not initially intentional, the poster ended up looking 
reminiscent of a cityscape – I believe this is due to how balance driven my design process was 
during this project. I spent a lot of the project reflecting letterforms and seeing how they 
interacted with each other. With that in mind, I also ensured that there was a sense of unity in 
both the letterforms I chose and their placements. I found that the curvatures of the ‘m’ and ‘p’s 
aligned rather well and came to realize that I could draw attention to the eye of the ‘i’ by placing 
it in the middle of the ‘p’s. Some other letterforms I used to create a stronger sense of harmony 
were ‘s’s, as they look like little swirls and while layered on top of each other create a cool 
looking depth effect. Again, the driving force of this project was balance, so you’ll find that 
things are reflected and mirrored throughout the whole piece.

Bauhaus 93 Reference Sheet
Bauhaus 93 Reference Sheet
Adobe Illustrator

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